When I became a mother…

When I became a mother was the day I held my gorgeous boy for the first time, after experiencing a miscarriage before him! We spent the whole pregnancy worried that our time would never come!

His beautiful dark blue eyes looked at me, it was like we had seen each other before! An instant connection and bond! This may sound cliche but every day he is the one I wake up for, the one I try to be a better human for. (And now his sister) but my boy is the one who makes me want everything in the world just to show him a better one. Some days are tougher than others. But spending those 9 months carrying, feeling him grow & move! His tiny fingers holding mine, the night feeds, the sick, the nappies. Sending him for his first day of nursery, the tripping over Lego. Even now 4 years on, the way he looks at me.. melts me every time! It’s like that first time.. the day he made me a mother 💙IMG_0395

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